Integration Guide

Authentication integration guide


In these getting-started guide you will learn how to level-up your web application with ROQ's advanced authentication and user management capabilties.


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(1) Install NPM packages

Install the following package(s) into your project:

npm install @roq/nextjs

(2) Setup credentials

Login to ROQ Console (opens in a new tab), copy the needed credentials and paste them into the .env file of your web application. You need to add the ROQ_SECRET variable. The value can be generated by running openssl rand -hex 32 on the command line.

You can read more about the credentials here.

(3) Add routes for authentication

ROQ provides a wrapper which adds these four routes into your application: /login, /logout, /session and /callback. You can read more about them here.

Create a new file: pages/api/[...roqAuth].ts with this content. Next.js will automatically detect and import the handler.

import { RoqAuth } from "@roq/nextjs";
export default RoqAuth;

(4) Protect frontend pages

You can use requireNextAuth to wrap non-public pages of your application. This disallowes non-authenticated users to open the page and redirects them to the login-page.

import { requireNextAuth } from "@roq/nextjs";
const MyPage = function () {
  return <Content>...</Content>;
export default requireNextAuth({
  redirectIfAuthenticated: true,
  redirectTo: "/login",

(5) Protect APIs

On the server-side you can wrap your API handler with the withAuth function to enforce authentication. The function throws an unauthorized error if the user is not authenticated.

import { withAuth } from "@roq/nextjs";
async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  const session = getServerSession(req);
  const user = session.user;
export default function apiHandler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  return withAuth(req, res)(handler);

What's next

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 That’s it! You successfully protected your application. Give it a try and register a new user. Of course, you can individualize your authentication even further: Feature Overview.